Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 28, 2024 17:17 GMT.

Exapnding database, English-Basque, English-Catalan, 1500 words

Geplaatst: Mar 27, 2024 13:36 GMT   (GMT: Mar 27, 2024 13:36)

Job type: Vertaal-/corrigeer-/proefleesopdracht
Service required: Translation

Talen: Engels naar Baskisch, Engels naar Catalaans

Beschrijving van de offerteaanvraag:
Hello English-Basque & Catalan talents

We are looking for a Catalan & Basque professional translators for a UI translation project of approx 1000 words.
It is for our leading clients, and there is a solid and approved TM to work with.

We will be happy to collaborate with you if you meet ALL following criteria:

* You are working as a full time translator (LSPs - Please do not participate this bid)
* You've been working full time translator during the last 6 years, at least
* You can share with us references and send us recommends who can advocate your work and services
* You are a native translator, whose native language is Basque and/or Catalan
* You are proficient with TM tools, memoQ users will be prioritize. We will be able to provide basic remote support if needed. We can either provide bi-lingual xlf +tmx files (and recevie same translated format) or login to our memoQ server to work directly on our memoQ server. (our mQ server version: v.9.10)
* You can accept payments by PayPal

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Methode van betaling: Overig
Payment terms: 45 dagen vanaf de factuurdatum.
Poster country: Israël

Volume: 1,000 words

Doel van dienstverlener (gespecificeerd door opdrachtgever achter deze offerteaanvraag):
Lidmaatschap: Niet-leden (gebruikers) kunnen 12 uur na het verschijnen van de offerteaanvraag een offerte indienen
info Meest gewenste specifieke velden: Computers: Software, Computers (general)
info Vereiste moedertaal: Doeltaal(-talen)
Onderwerpveld: IT (informatietechnologie)
info Meest gewenste programmatuur: Trados Studio, memoQ
Uiterste indiendatum offertes: Mar 28, 2024 17:17 GMT
Leverdatum: Mar 31, 2024 16:17 GMT
Aanvullende eisen:
Translators with at least 6 years as a professional translator, with expertise in one or more mentioned above domains.
Voorbeeldtekst: U HOEFT deze tekst niet te vertalen
Product Release Date
Free Upgrade Until
Your maintenance license is expired. Please contact Sales to renew your maintenance.
Over de opdrachtgever:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Ontvangen offertes: 3 (Job closed)
Engels naar Catalaans:2
Engels naar Baskisch:1