267 registrants

5th ProZ.com Conference - Budapest 2007

Apr 28, 2007


Trados training for advanced users

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Schedule:This session ended at 18:00
Description:Date: May 1st, Tuesday, 9 am to 6 pm Price after April 1st: EUR 140 or USD 180. Price includes lunch and coffee breaks. This session is NOT part of the general conference package. NO need to be REGISTERED at the conference to attend this session. - Important settings in Trados - Translating an easy Word file with bad formatting - What to do if formatting changes in Word - Translating Word with Tageditor - Translating other MS-formats with Tageditor - Preparing and translating DTP formats in Tageditor or Word - Tips and tricks :) - Creating MT database from Excel sheet - Using WinAlign for project preparation Training materials are now downloadable here. It is your own responsibility to download and instal them. During the session we will have no time to deal with installation problems or problems with opening files. Please note, that the test version is very strictly limited and will possibly not allow you to perform certain operations, beeing presented during the session. Participating in this session with a test version is therefore NOT recommended. You may however use an older version, but be aware, that you will not be able to open Word files in Tageditor (some other formats too), if you do not have Trados 7.1 or later. If you do not have SDL Trados or have an older version, you should download the latest SDL Trados 2007 demo from Translationzone and install it prior to the session. It is a fully working 30-days demo. If you plan to participate in this session and in the beginners session too, so please note, that a lot of content will be very similar, but presented with a different approach. As there is a special closed offer to purchase SDL Trados 2007 at a reduced rate, adressed only to the participants of this training, please contact me for details, if you are interested. Due to restrictions set by SDL this offer may only be disclosed to people, who registered for the training. Thank you for chosing my session Jerzy Czopik SDL Trados Workbench Certified
Speakers:Dipl.-Ing. Jerzy Czopik
Born in Cracow, now living and working in Germany. Although I've studied mechanical engineering, life has brought me to translating, which became my passion. The second passion are computers, so the themes covered are nearly all about computers and CATs :-)

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