267 registrants

5th ProZ.com Conference - Budapest 2007

Apr 28, 2007


Word as a tool for translators (Part 1)

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Schedule:This session ended at 12:00
Description:Due to the session split in two parts: In the first part we will deal with Word in general. This shall cover the following items: - Important settings in Word - Adapting Word to your personal needs - What are styles - Creating own shortcuts in Word - Creating a simple macro For this part you do not necessarily have to bring a laptop. A PPT is provided here, please download it if you wish. Nevertheless it will surely be an advantage, if you could experiment with your Word during this session. All examples will be shown with a laptop with German OS (Windows XP Professional) and German Word XP. Nevertheless, due to a very big similarity in all languages this should not cause any problems.
Speakers:Dipl.-Ing. Jerzy Czopik
Born in Cracow, now living and working in Germany. Although I've studied mechanical engineering, life has brought me to translating, which became my passion. The second passion are computers, so the themes covered are nearly all about computers and CATs :-)

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