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Search results: (3 matches)
MemoQ support [MemoQ] Concordance window is not showing up with using CTRL-K or manually selecting it Right-click option shows Concordance, but it is unusable. I actually see the Concordance option, but when
clicking on it, nothing happens. Same if I try to
click on it in the ribbon, or call with with
ctrl-k. Sometimes, when trying to call the
Julie Crozier Mar 1, 2016
MemoQ support [MemoQ] Concordance window is not showing up with using CTRL-K or manually selecting it When highlighting a term and pressing CTRL-k or
manually clicking on Concordance search, the
concordance window doesn't show up.
Julie Crozier Mar 1, 2016
Trados support How does SDL Trados Studio 2014 Starter limits its TM? SDL Trados Studio 2014 Starter states that its TM
is limited to 5k units (about 50k words). Does
this mean that once that limit is reached, no more
units can be saved, even in a new TM, or
Julie Crozier Apr 7, 2015

Forumuri de discuţii în domeniul traducerilor

Discuţii libere pe teme de traducere, interpretare şi localizare

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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Wordfast Pro
Translation Memory Software for Any Platform

Exclusive discount for users! Save over 13% when purchasing Wordfast Pro through Wordfast is the world's #1 provider of platform-independent Translation Memory software. Consistently ranked the most user-friendly and highest value

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