writeaway wrote:
Some Askers seem to get extremely 'huffy' when people ask for context. They act as though they are being intimidated, perhaps out of fear of losing the job?
But a request for context does not mean that those trying to help want all the details. If Asker actually understands what they are doing (which is clearly not always the case), then they can explain, ie 'this is a text dealing with .... problem/issue/field' and 'here is the general setting'. that's basically what people want to know by 'context'. not what company-just what kind of company, not who is involved, what brand, etc. but a general explantion. Perhaps if this point would sink in with those Askers who refuse to answer and/or take offense about the fact someone 'dared' ask for context, we could cut through this problem and actually be able to help without being forced to guess all the time when they post their series of purposely mysterious questions.
Perhaps if the point of this thread might sink it with people who ask for "more context!" even when they are given plenty, there might be no need for a thread like this.
If someone thinks that there is truly not enough context to answer a question, then I am not quite certain why that person is answering that question. But posting all or most of the information that you listed above, and having people still go "well, the lack of context" (particularly those who say that TO EVERY QUESTION), is a little annoying.
Furthermore, the original and very excellent point of this thread was that discretion is the better part of valor. I think it would be nice to acknowledge what an excellent point that is, instead of bringing up these supposed instances of "no" context.
[Edited at 2005-12-23 02:08]