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Q/A ratio
Αποστολέας σε συζήτηση: Lia Fail (X)
Local time: 15:41
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Irksome, but . . . Sep 11, 2006

On the other hand, laziness or abuse aside, it makes for an easy way to rack up KudoZ if you are quick on the draw answering the questions.

Also consider those with ratios heavily weighted in the opposite direction: those that answer tons of questions and never ask any. Different strokes for different folks.

I can side with the complaint of abuse if an unqualified translator is making a living off of freebies and undercutting more qualified peers. But really--how far ca
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On the other hand, laziness or abuse aside, it makes for an easy way to rack up KudoZ if you are quick on the draw answering the questions.

Also consider those with ratios heavily weighted in the opposite direction: those that answer tons of questions and never ask any. Different strokes for different folks.

I can side with the complaint of abuse if an unqualified translator is making a living off of freebies and undercutting more qualified peers. But really--how far can a person get in that situation?

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:41
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A solution Sep 12, 2006

Why not make all questions not for points?

I mean, ProZ would simply cancel the whole points system. Yes, there would be less people answering the questions, but then again, those who would answer will be motivated by other than the points, which would probably help the overall quality of answers. The bonus is that the KOG would improve also - now that would be some relief.

If this happened, I would not change my use of KudoZ - would you?

Marie-Hélène Hayles
Marie-Hélène Hayles  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
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Kudoz not for points... Sep 12, 2006

One of the reasons for the points system is to give members a way to bump their profile up the list of translators offering your language pairs and specialisations. If you made Kudoz not for points, then you'd have to find another way of enabling people to raise their profile.

[Edited at 2006-09-12 09:14]

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
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discussion is better:-) Sep 13, 2006

texjax wrote:

Lia Fail wrote:

My boil has boiled before, as I saw how this person's ratio deteriorated rapidly, but what really infuriates me today is a set of recent questions where it's blindingly obvious that this person hasn't lifted a finger to do any of their own research....right, just chuck the acronyms into ProZ and let others do the work.

Unrelentingly pointing out to this kind of people that there are rules for asking might be a deterrent:
2.1 KudoZ shold be used for requesting terms help only after other resources have been exhausted. Resources available include the KudoZ archives (KudoZ > ProZ.com Term Search from the main menu), dictionaries, search engines, etc. ..
2.4 Sufficient context must be provided with each question...

[Edited at 2006-09-10 21:10]

Yes, but I dislike pointing the finger at an individual, becuase even if the evidence is to the contrary, there is always the smallest chance that maybe one has got the wrong end of teh stick.

By discussing it in a forum, there is a hope that teh person(s) in question will - if they see the forum (although this kind of person would consider the forums a waste of time, as it doesn't help them make money!) - become aware that we are not so stupid after all and that we dislike our good will being abused. And other, more 'innocent' people may have their eyes opened by this discussion.

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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not different strokes...calculated and callous abuse Sep 13, 2006

craigs wrote:

On the other hand, laziness or abuse aside, it makes for an easy way to rack up KudoZ if you are quick on the draw answering the questions.

Also consider those with ratios heavily weighted in the opposite direction: those that answer tons of questions and never ask any. Different strokes for different folks.

I don't answer Qs for Kudoz, although I am pleased if my answer is selected. All I know about my points total is that I have answered far more Qs than I have asked, and I would feel horrifically embarassed and ashamed if it were the reverse.

Those with lots more As than Qs are usually very motivated by points, although to be honest, I don't know how some (working?) translators can find the time!

craigs wrote:

I can side with the complaint of abuse if an unqualified translator is making a living off of freebies and undercutting more qualified peers. But really--how far can a person get in that situation?

To my mind the person that provoked my ire very much seems to be making a living off Proz - which is what ProZ is for (to a point). That's fine by me, ProZ helps me out too when I'm stuck....

But I don't post a list of items that I couldn't be bothered to research first - it's not fair to be asking others to do one's research. Apart from the callousness of it, researching is a learning process and a skill that is essential to a good translator, and good translators are what the world needs:-)

And in return for SO MUCH help (over 1200 questions) , this person could contribute a bit more (than 5 or 6 answers), simply as a gesture that marks his/her appreciation for the generous spirit of (most of) those who answer his/her questions.

Well, here's one answerer who won't be helping him/her anymore!

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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yes Sep 13, 2006

Viktoria Gimbe wrote:

Why not make all questions not for points?

I mean, ProZ would simply cancel the whole points system. Yes, there would be less people answering the questions, but then again, those who would answer will be motivated by other than the points, which would probably help the overall quality of answers. The bonus is that the KOG would improve also - now that would be some relief.

If this happened, I would not change my use of KudoZ - would you?

I like when my answer is chosen, that's sufficient reward for me. I have no interest in points. And if my answer isn't chosen, no problem!

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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reply to Mario Sep 13, 2006

Mario Cerutti wrote:

Lia Fail wrote:
...but what really infuriates me today is a set of recent questions where it's blindingly obvious that this person hasn't lifted a finger to do any of their own research....right, just chuck the acronyms into ProZ and let others do the work.

If you give a look at the Italian forum as well, you will see some questions made in the recent days by a member to which a junior high-school student would be able to answer even without opening the simplest English-Italian dictionary.

Outsourcers can exclude non-members from the bidding system probably because they suppose that non-paying members aren't worth pursuing for professional works, while they wouldn't hesitate to pick up one of these blue-ribboned champions without suspecting that they have to rely on Proz.com even for very simple and common expressions.

Mario Cerutti


[Edited at 2006-09-11 02:44]

[Edited at 2006-09-11 07:51]

What irritates me more, though, are the answerers who think YOU haven't got a dictionary!!!!!

I agree, being a member or not has no bearing on one's professionalism, I'm not a Plat member at present, have just potponed the expense for the moment as I'm broke:-)

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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too true:-) Sep 13, 2006

CMJ_Trans wrote:

However tolerant one may be - and I don't claim to be particularly tolerant, there comes a point when tolerance is going beyond the call of duty. No names, no pack drill but there is one person in Portuguese-English, for example, who seems to have been cutting up an enormous text into bite-size morsels and delivering them to ProZ colleagues for translation for months (literally) by just keeping within the question limits each week/month/day. And bizarrely, there are still those who volunteer assistance. I got caught once but never again. The context alone gives the lie to those who may try to justify their action by suggesting it is a different job each time.
For me, this is the worst case I have seen, even though there a quite a few people out there who have been known to abuse the site rather than using it, when they take on more than they can chew - which they seem to do frequently (perhaps everything is more than they can chew and they need to consider a change of profession?)

A thought however that crosses my mind is that the site is a victim of its own success. Those who study translation at a proper school now seem to learn as much if not more about using the website and IT programs than about the language aspects. For the younger generations, using Internet, googling and even Prozing are part of the basic tools of the trade in their minds.
So is it that surprising in the end that they seem to think it their right to be helped by their "peers"? (though "peers" implies someone of equal standing.....)

The result is that the professionals are getting increasingly cheesed off by the presence of so many rank amateurs polluting the translation profession. Are you surprised?

CMJ_Trans wrote:

However tolerant one may be - and I don't claim to be particularly tolerant, there comes a point when tolerance is going beyond the call of duty. No names, no pack drill but there is one person in Portuguese-English, for example, who seems to have been cutting up an enormous text into bite-size morsels and delivering them to ProZ colleagues for translation for months (literally) by just keeping within the question limits each week/month/day. And bizarrely, there are still those who volunteer assistance. I got caught once but never again. The context alone gives the lie to those who may try to justify their action by suggesting it is a different job each time.
For me, this is the worst case I have seen, even though there a quite a few people out there who have been known to abuse the site rather than using it, when they take on more than they can chew - which they seem to do frequently (perhaps everything is more than they can chew and they need to consider a change of profession?)

We may be thinking of the same person:-) As I mentioned elsewhere, the daily limit is adequate, more than adequate, in fact, but it only eliminates outright abusers. Other people play the game by teh 'rules', but in a calculating way...it's not the asking Qs that bothers me, it's the lack of the kind of generous and honest spirit that leads one to contribute to as well as take from a site that is potentially a boon to translators.

CMJ_Trans wrote:

The result is that the professionals are getting increasingly cheesed off by the presence of so many rank amateurs polluting the translation profession. Are you surprised?

Yes, and this site is demeaned by it, but mostly by abusers (I know lots of professionals who have simply stopped using Proz becuase of this). As for amateurs, well, we all had to start somewhere, and translation is a slow learning curve:-)

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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precisely:-) Sep 13, 2006

Vito Smolej wrote:

and also when see free rider on a subway. When I see somebody jump the line. Or when the lady in front of me cleans the shelf... etc etc.

You don't want me to go on, do you?

Every realistic society is based on rules, and on those who stick to them. In the literature they're called the (great) reciprocators ("you gave me two KudoZ answers, I have two (or maybe even four) for you"). And then there's that freeloading breed... I'd say that a lot of them just don't know yet the rules: Reminds me of the time, when I tried to step into a mosque with my shoes on (the first and the only time - but thank God somebody hinted to me, what the rule is - guess there were too many shoes at the entrance for me to realize it on my own...).

Anyhow, it's the ratio of free loaders vs reciprocators that makes the systems stand or fold. So KudoZ is in absolutely no danger. except if our blood corporatively boils over - and I dont think this is likely to happen.



That's why I prefer to raise a discussion on teh topic of freeloaders, rather than point the finger directly, or make a sarcastic comment in an answer. But my main point is that teh Q/A ratio is probably a better 'rule' to apply than a mere limit on Qs asked, as it rewards people's contributions. In other words, the daily limit should really be set in proportion to the Q/A ratio, above a certain minimum (if one had answered 2 Qs and asked 1, the ratio would be 2:1, just like someone who has answered 2000 and asked 1000!)

And maybe other things as well, like articles, participation in forums....

People like you - funny article on Alice Bob and Carol!

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
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I don't filter Sep 13, 2006

Christine Andersen wrote:

Although I agree entirely with all of the above, life is too short to boil over with fury at things like that beyond righteous anger. The system can never automatically distinguish between abusers and people who really need a lot of help for whatever reason. If others can use the answer too, it's good to get it into KOG. Beginners often learn to contribute their share later.

I use the function on the KudoZ dashboard where you can flag or filter other KudoZ askers.

Only you and the system know who irritates you enough to be filtered out. No need for rational explanations.

I'm human, not a saint. ProZ user no. XXXXX makes me sick. I want to pretend that person does not exist. Goodbye, go and annoy someone else!

It's not something I do often, because there are very few people like that in my language pairs, but it is a brilliant safety valve when the need arises.

If lots of people all filter the same abusers, they might decide ProZ is useless and stop abusing it, but don't hold your breath while you wait for it.

Just my two penn'orth!

I just pop into ProZ and see what Qs come up on the home page. And in this particular case, the frequency of Qs asked called my attention, first some months ago, then again a while later, and just now...I was beginning to see a pattern:-)

But maybe I should check it out and see how it works:-)

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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Ricardo & Daniela Sep 13, 2006

Daniela Zambrini wrote:

Riccardo Schiaffino wrote:

...are you really sure yuou would want to see the kind of "answers" this kind of person would likely contribute, if forced to?

Exactly! Still, there are so many more ways to contribute: adding links to the Glosspost, offering advice in forums, sharing resources and experiences, etc.

Ciao, D.

The quality of the answers is not the issue...the problem is there ARE NO answers! But lots and lots and lots of Qs!

Yes, contributors like Vito, for example (I just popped into his profile to see his articles).

... and all the others who cheered me up here as I griped:-)

[Edited at 2006-09-13 23:02]

Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:41
Γερμανικά σε Αγγλικά
Teach them to fish Sep 13, 2006

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown

Lia, your thread reminds me of a recent interesting discussion of a poll asking "At what stage in a translation do you ask KudoZ questions?"


I think many if not most of the long-term freeloaders are people who
... See more
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown

Lia, your thread reminds me of a recent interesting discussion of a poll asking "At what stage in a translation do you ask KudoZ questions?"


I think many if not most of the long-term freeloaders are people who don't want to learn to be translators; they just want the answers so they can make some money. They don't read these forum discussions and they don't learn from KudoZ answerers.

Instead of requiring them to contribute to ProZ.com, maybe we should require them to learn something about the trade. After asking x number of questions, they wouldn't be able to ask additional questions unless they've passed a quiz on some required reading material.

Probably a pipe dream, but I thought I'd make the point.

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:41
Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
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agree:-) Sep 13, 2006

Kim Metzger wrote:

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”—Author unknown

Lia, your thread reminds me of a recent interesting discussion of a poll asking "At what stage in a translation do you ask KudoZ questions?"


I think many if not most of the long-term freeloaders are people who don't want to learn to be translators; they just want the answers so they can make some money. They don't read these forum discussions and they don't learn from KudoZ answerers.

Instead of requiring them to contribute to ProZ.com, maybe we should require them to learn something about the trade. After asking x number of questions, they wouldn't be able to ask additional questions unless they've passed a quiz on some required reading material.

Probably a pipe dream, but I thought I'd make the point.

I can't agree with you more Kim, that is also what I think the site should do - encourage people into improving themselves and therefore the site, and trying to avoid leaving the door open to freeloaders, who demean the site and irritate its users.

As usual the problem with any kind of mechanism is making it work and making it objective...sigh! But as you say, maybe an upper limit should be set that would gently push people in the direction of 'contributing'....

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:41
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Kim, you are sooo right! Sep 25, 2006

Another way to go about this, off the top of my head, would be to have to pay for each question asked - with KudoZ points!

This way, we would be able to remove all the limits we currently have on the number of questions - it seems to be bothering some people, although not me personally. AND the only way to be able to ask questions would be to provide helpful answers that would be picked as best answer - you do need fairly consistent translator skills for that. Or, to say it like Kim
... See more
Another way to go about this, off the top of my head, would be to have to pay for each question asked - with KudoZ points!

This way, we would be able to remove all the limits we currently have on the number of questions - it seems to be bothering some people, although not me personally. AND the only way to be able to ask questions would be to provide helpful answers that would be picked as best answer - you do need fairly consistent translator skills for that. Or, to say it like Kim, it would take a person who knows how to fish before they actually get any fish.

Maybe a one question answered per three questions asked ratio could be healthy (or if you prefer, you'd have to pay one point for each question you ask if you win three points per question answered). But the total number of points earned/spent would still be visible, so it would still be possible to rank high in the directory.

What do you think? Also, do you think this solution might affect the quality of the KOG either in a bad or in a good way?

How about that?

[Edited at 2006-09-25 06:02]

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