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    Pagina principală
    • engleză
      • Internet, Comerţ electronic
        • Search
          • Term
            • findability
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Beyond search engine optimization (SEO), findability plans for content to be easily found and discovered on your website through external and internal search engines, website navigation menus, on-page content hierarchies, etc. meetcontent
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The challenge with findability and discoverability issues is determining the root cause: is it the information architecture or is it the navigation design? - Nielsen Norman Group by
            • The findability/discoverability challenge is even more critical when considering intranets, knowledge bases, and other internal content/document management systems, where users may need to wade through thousands of documents to find what they’re seeking - enterprise knowledge by
            • The best way to begin measuring the findability of your website is to identify a product or service, a resource such as a web form or document, or web content such as a blog post or video and attempt to locate this content on your website, both by using a search engine like Google and by visiting the homepage of your website and utilizing menus and internal search capabilities that are present on your homepage. - Blue Zenith by
  • Compare this term in: albaneză, germană, spaniolă, persană (farsi), franceză, italiană, coreeană, poloneză, portugheză, ucraineană

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