Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 25 '17 ita>eng GOLOSO Scrumptious pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '15 ita>eng la spremitura a freddo sodio e fruttosio sodium and fructose have been removed during a cold pressing process pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '15 ita>eng addio attacchi nervosi No more panic attacks pro closed ok
- May 20 '15 ita>eng rapè Grated chocolate pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '14 ita>eng confettati candied pro just_closed no
4 Mar 4 '14 ita>eng Doppio malto double malt pro closed ok
- Aug 11 '10 ita>eng pulita clear-cut (distinct) pro closed no
4 Aug 10 '10 ita>eng frutta secca dried fruit and nuts pro closed no
- May 30 '08 ita>eng estratto di vaniglia da bacche Vanilla pod extract pro closed ok
- Dec 28 '06 ita>eng Linguine al sugo di baccalà con salsa di noci Linguine with stockfish sauce and walnut salsa pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered