Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Patent Translators

Technical accuracy is our most sincere promise !

As a team of patent translators, we would like to present ourselves as a group of translators who are technically accurate and precise in terminological use.

Wherever, the patent documents contain drawings/circuits and formulae, we assure an accurate description in the translated documents.

Welcome on-board this team of patent translators to get patents translated to/from German/French/English !
Team leader
Sanjay Kesharwani
Sanjay Kesharwani
Patent, Technical & Legal Translator
Team Head
30 years of experience in Mechanical Engineering industries/organization including over 12 years in patents examination + over 250 patents from German and French into English. Good terminological knowlewdge/skills.
Team members 1

All of
  • All of
  • Vyhledávání termínů
  • Zakázky
  • Fóra
  • Multiple search