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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Portuguese: The Adventure of The Empty House General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English It was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London was interested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of the Honourable Ronald Adair under most unusual and inexplicable circumstances. The public has already learned those particulars of the crime which came out in the police investigation; but a good deal was suppressed upon that occasion, since the case for the prosecution was so overwhelmingly strong that it was not necessary to bring forward all the facts. Only now, at the end of nearly ten years, am I allowed to supply those missing links which make up the whole of that remarkable chain. The crime was of interest in itself, but that interest was as nothing to me compared to the inconceivable sequel, which afforded me the greatest shock and surprise of any event in my adventurous life. Even now, after this long interval, I find myself thrilling as I think of it, and feeling once more that sudden flood of joy, amazement, and incredulity which utterly submerged my mind. Let me say to that public which has shown some interest in those glimpses which I have occasionally given them of the thoughts and actions of a very remarkable man that they are not to blame me if I have not shared my knowledge with them, for I should have considered it my first duty to have done so had I not been barred by a positive prohibition from his own lips, which was only withdrawn upon the third of last month.
Translation - Portuguese A Casa Vazia
Era primavera de 1894. Londres estava interessada, e o mundo da moda atônito, pelo assassinato do Honorável Ronald Adair em circunstâncias excepcionais e inexplicáveis. As especificidades do crime divulgadas na investigação policial já eram de conhecimento público, mas parte considerável havia sido omitida, pois o processo, para a acusação, era tão robusto que dispensava ainda mais fatos. Somente hoje, após quase uma década, posso apresentar as associações ainda ausentes que compuseram o todo daquele memorável encadeamento. O crime por si se reveste de interesse, um interesse que, para mim, nada representa se comparado ao impensável desencadear da história, minha maior surpresa e choque de toda uma vida de aventuras. Mesmo agora, após considerável hiato, sinto um frêmito só em pensar, e revivo aquele súbito emergir do regozijo, encantamento e incredulidade em que mergulhou minha mente. Ao público que demonstrou algum interesse naqueles lampejos de pensamentos e ações de um homem deveras notável que apresentei, que não me culpem por não ter compartilhado o que sabia, pois eu teria considerado tarefa precípua fazê-lo, não fosse uma proibição advinda de seus próprios lábios que só viria a expirar ao terceiro dia do mês passado.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universidade Nove de Julho
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Feb 2014. Became a member: Mar 2014.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, DraftSight, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, XTM
I'm a native Brazilian writer and speaker with fluent English skills, detail oriented, fast learner and creative. I translate professionally since 2014, having worked on more than 400 translation projects and more than 200 subtitling projects for many agencies around the world, and that means more than 2 million words translated and more than 200 hours of video content subtitled.
I'm finishing my Translation and Interpretation Bachelour course in 2022 and my main tools are Trados Studio 2021 and Subtitle Edit.