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English to Slovenian: La Tomatina, General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Folklore
Source text - English Then, with the firing of a water cannon, the main event begins. That's the green light for crushing and launching tomatoes in all-out attacks against fellow participants. Long distance tomato lobbers, point-blank assassins, and medium range hook shots. Whatever your technique, by the time it's over, you will look (and feel) quite different. Nearly an hour later, tomato-soaked bombers are left to play in a sea of squishy street salsa with little left resembling a tomato to be found. A second cannon shot signals the end of the battle.
Translation - Slovenian Strel iz vodnega topa naznani pričetek glavnega dogodka. To je zelena luč za mečkanje in metanje paradižnikov v soudeležence. Metalci paradižnikov na daljavo, napadalci iz bližine in stranski strelci srednjega dosega. Katerakoli je že vaša tehnika metanja – po bitki se boste počutili precej drugače, in prav tako boste tudi videti. Skoraj uro kasneje so bombaši, premočeni od paradižnika, prepuščeni igranju v morju ulične paradižnikove salse, ki ne daje upanja, da bi v njej še našli kakšen cel paradižnik. Drug strel vodnega topa naznani konec bitke.
German to Slovenian: Engelhart Ratgeber General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - German Am andern Tag war die Hochzeit. Während der Trauung hörte man die Braut weinen, es schien, als ahne sie ihr trauriges Schicksal voraus, während der Bräutigam, Herr Peter Salomon Curius, selbstbewußt und höhnisch lächelnd um sich blickte. Die Sache war die, daß es kein Geschöpf auf Gottes Erdboden gab, dem er sich nicht überlegen gefühlt hätte.
Translation - Slovenian Drugega dne je bila poroka. Med obredom je bilo slišati jok neveste, … kakor da bi si predstavljala svojo žalostno usodo, medtem ko je ženin gospod Peter Salomon Curius samozavestno in z domišljavim nasmeškom pogledoval naokrog. Prav nikomur na celi božji Zemlji se ta gospod ni čutil podrejenega.
Dutch to Slovenian: Carnaval General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Folklore
Source text - Dutch Het carnaval is een feest dat vooral in de provincies Limburg en Noord-Brabant drie dagen lang het dagelijks leven in zijn greep heeft. Carnavalsvierders trekken verkleed door de straten en zoeken elkaar op in kroegen en feestzalen. De feestlocaties zijn versierd met maskers en serpentines en de feestmuziek kent zijn eigen carnavalsrepertoire
Translation - Slovenian Karneval je praznik, ki tri dni obvladuje vsakdanjik predvsem v provincah Limburg in Noord Brabant. Praznovalci hodijo maskirani po ulicah in se obiskujejo po gostilnah in halah za praznovanja. Praznične lokacije so okrašene z maskami in girlandami, praznična glasba pa ima svoj lasten repertoar.
Years of experience: 42. Registered at Apr 2014.
I studied psychology (in Slovenia) and public relations (in Holland). I learned to translate during my study. I graduated with the translation of Sigmund Freud's Wolfsman. I worked as a psychologist and as a public relations advisor.
I translated Eurobarometer questionnaries from 2004-2006, and Discussion Group Guides and Reports for a company providing them to European Commission.
I also translated other marketing research questionnaires and reports for a marketing research company.
I translated the following books:
Sigmund Freud: The Wolfsman, Little Hans
Anne Wyckmans en Anne-Mie de Leener: Papa is nooit moe!
Stefan Boonen& Greet Bosschart: Papa met vleugels
Brigitte Minne: Het verhaal van mevrouw Eekhoorn en alle andere dieren in mama's hoofd
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health: Eating Disorders: Core interventions in the treatment and management of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and related disorders
Claudine Fox & Carol Joughin: Eating problems in children, Information for parents
Brantley, J. and Millstine, W.: 5 Good Minutes at Work;
Fanning, P. and O'Neill, J. T.: The Addiction Workbook
Williams, M. B., Poijula, S.: PTSD Workbook
Davis, M., Robbins Eshelman, E., and McKay, M.: The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
Bert van Dalen, Bert Slagmolen, Robert Taen: Mindful Organizing
Documentary films: 97% Owned and Princes of the Yen
Keywords: English, Dutch, German, Slovenian, psychology, marketing research, marketing questionnaires, marketing research reports, psychology, psychological books. See more.English, Dutch, German, Slovenian, psychology, marketing research, marketing questionnaires, marketing research reports, psychology, psychological books, psychological workbooks, public relations articles, public relations reports, public relations, booklets, flyers, brochures, public relations materials, public relations. See less.