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Spanish lo que debe saber un traductor Nuria Ponce Márquez ... según la red. También creo que es favorable
mencionarla acerca del artículo (más que usted
sea la misma).
Sonja Köppen Jun 6, 2009
Health and lifestyle for language professionals Balancing work and children: any tips to keep a 3-year-old entertained over the summer? ... Just an addition: Acknowledge yourself (you have
every reason to) and bear in mind this time is not
only very hard but also very short.
Sonja Köppen Jun 5, 2009
German Als Übersetzerin in DE arbeiten Glaube nicht, dass das schwierig ist. Ich kann mich jedenfalls nicht erinnern, dass mich
bisher jemand nach meinem Diplom gefragt hätte.
Höchstens mal eine Agentur, in deren Kartei ich
dann sang- und klanglos verschwunden bi
Sonja Köppen Jun 5, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you raise your children bilingually/trilingually? No, we can't, nothing but German natives around here.
(We used to employ English as secret language, but
unfortunately my elder daughter knows too many of
the interesting terms by now.) But I
Sonja Köppen Jun 5, 2009
Translation Project / Vendor Management Strategies for getting jobs Another idea Dear SL Leung, it is also a question of focus.
You seem to be busy with all these reasons for not
getting jobs. This might keep you from seeing the
possibilities. If you insist that it
Sonja Köppen Jun 4, 2009 suggestions What about a forum for women and mothers? @Williamson [quote]Williamson wrote: Organisation or not:
There is no way that you work against a deadline
with a baby/child constantly requiring your
attention without help of others (hubby,
Sonja Köppen Jun 4, 2009 suggestions What about a forum for women and mothers? Well look at those statements. I frankly cannot see the pain such a forum could
possibly create for anyone. Exception: Annoying
statements of people whose only business is to pop
by and bitch about the mere idea. ><
Sonja Köppen Jun 3, 2009
German Als Übersetzerin in DE arbeiten Englisch? Hi Mary-K, wie ist das denn nun, von wo nach wo
möchtest du übersetzen?
Sonja Köppen Jun 3, 2009
Money matters What is your reaction to job postings offering ridiculously low rates? Should have, shouldn't have ... ... is a question of purpose. Such a reply is
senseless by any means if your aim is to teach
them a lesson. You won't. It works fine on the
other hand if you just want to let off some stea
Sonja Köppen Jun 2, 2009 job systems Please give non-paying members time to make job bids! Weird attitude My foreposters leave me but one thing to remark:
You're actually complaining about the limitations
of a service you use for free. I find that
slightly weird.
Sonja Köppen Jun 2, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What distracts you most often while working? Emails! Mails, usually around twenty, but more like fifty
on a busy day excluding spam, mostly little but
urgent add-ons to current projects (thus no
read-only mails). More often than not my
Sonja Köppen Jun 1, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Is it necessary to have formal translation training to be a good translator? I wouldn't call it crucial ... ... as good but untrained translators exist as
well as trained but bad ones. (As the "but"s
indicate, I wouldn't basically call it a bad idea
to have some training though.)
Sonja Köppen May 12, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Misadventures of a young translator (new comic strip / blog featuring translator 'Mox') :) I find it so funny that as soon as I am "the
translator" people immediately cease to understand
me. Communication eating its children! :D
Sonja Köppen May 1, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Misadventures of a young translator (new comic strip / blog featuring translator 'Mox') Coming to think of it ... ... will he ever hear anything but "I don't
understand a single word of what you're saying!"
when he tries to describe the perils of his tools,
platforms and projects to his family members
Sonja Köppen May 1, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Misadventures of a young translator (new comic strip / blog featuring translator 'Mox') Great, thanks! > Will Mox learn how to raise his rates? Does he
use CAT tools? Will he create a blog? Will Mox
mutate due to never leaving the screen (let alone
the house)? Big head and bottom, three ar
Sonja Köppen May 1, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Klargestellt. Ich hätte den Dreschflegel auch nicht gleich so
ans Rotieren bringen müssen, tut mir
leid. [quote]Eric Hahn wrote: Wie jedem
inzwischen bekannt sein dürfte, war eine der
Sonja Köppen Apr 27, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Oje. Mir hat es gut getan, mich hier mal auszufauchen.
Soll nicht wieder vorkommen. Die aggressive
Stimmung hier kann ich nicht
nachvollziehen. [quote]Aniello Scognamiglio
wrote: Google
Sonja Köppen Apr 27, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Ja, [quote]ScottishWildCat wrote: ... bringen sie
mich alle auf die Palme, und nicht nur die
Übersetzer.[/quote] mich auch. Schreibe sogar
niedlicherweise hin, wenns so arg ist wie gest
Sonja Köppen Apr 24, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How long is your lunch break on a normal working day? >1hr ... if you call it a break to prepare lunch and
help the kids along with their homework.
Sonja Köppen Apr 24, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Verstehe den Einwurf nicht. Die Leute, die sich hier "ausweinen", gehören
doch nun wirklich nicht zu dieser Gang? Und wo
habe ich gesagt, dass einer der Beteiligten ein
unschuldiges Opfer ist? Sollte es so
Sonja Köppen Apr 24, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Besser? [quote]Tuliparola wrote: Tja, Sonja, manche
denken sich halt: "Besser als wie nix!" :grin:
[/quote] Man sollte wohl testhalber mal einen
Job für ein Idiotendiplom, eine Handvoll D
Sonja Köppen Apr 23, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Closed ... ... ging wohl weg wie warme Semmeln, der Job.
Sonja Köppen Apr 23, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Getoppt! [quote] Wortpreis: 0,05349... Euro
[/quote] Schöne Grüße von der heutigen
Jobpage: 3500 words at 0.035 USD per word [
GESAMT: 122.50 USD ] ... von einer Deutschen
in Deut
Sonja Köppen Apr 23, 2009
Getting established Fantastic certification, little official experience ... More uncomfortable questions ... The question Oleg asked sprang to my mind as well.
It leads to another: What if the clients are not
so thrilled with your work? What if they don't
even look at it but just hand it to some<
Sonja Köppen Apr 22, 2009 Translator Coop Quo vadis, proz? Well of course, [quote]I believe not so many members browse ProZ
"just for fun" :-))[/quote] I most certainly do.
It's midnight, I've put the jobs aside. I like to
read what you all think. (Mostly anyway
Sonja Köppen Mar 25, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever considered moving to a country with lower costs of living? ... [quote]Please let's not forget that we do benefit
from poverty when buying clothes and toys etc.
made by poor people in far away countries working
for starvation wages. [/quote] Am I forg
Sonja Köppen Mar 22, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever considered moving to a country with lower costs of living? Well yes, only I do not want to be a rich foreigner, thus
separated from and envied by the people around me.
I would not like to benefit from the same poor
standards that anyone else wants to overco
Sonja Köppen Mar 22, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever considered moving to a country with lower costs of living? Clarification [quote]M. Anna Kańduła wrote: It also mean "you
earn less", but it definitelly does not mean "you
live in poverty"[/quote] I most certainly did
not refer to living in poverty myself
Sonja Köppen Mar 22, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever considered moving to a country with lower costs of living? No. I might get the impression that I misuse low
standards for my purposes. And I would definitely
not appreciate sitting there in a fat house
surrounded by poverty, to put it straight. (What
Sonja Köppen Mar 20, 2009
Literature / Poetry Isn't it absurd to equire a CAT tool to translate a poem?! Horror, [quote]Pale. Pale. Pale. Pale. Pale. Pale. P
ale. [/quote] just imagine the imminent
inconsistencies here if CAT usage was discarded!
*shudder (Perhaps they have more projects t
Sonja Köppen Mar 17, 2009
German Problem mit Wordfast Nee, das ist nicht normal. Tatsächlich, ich bin platt, Wordfast hat ein Doc
nicht akkurat gelayoutet? Ist jetzt nicht der
Durchschlag, mein Post, aber immerhin kann ich
versichern, dass das so nicht im Sinne des
Sonja Köppen Feb 25, 2009
Business issues Bad behaviour or not Anyway thank you for posting this story. It reflects how quickly one is inclined to believe
having committed a social crime whenever someone
pops in and declares such in a tone at will (no
matter how silly the issue) -- instead o
Sonja Köppen Dec 26, 2008
Business issues Bad behaviour or not Oh dear. It's not the worst thing that he has shown you who
he is _before_ you got into business with him. I'd
stay clear of him with a generous additional
safety margin and once again praise my fr
Sonja Köppen Dec 25, 2008
German Unsicherheit mit der deutschen Sprache Buchstabenketten [quote]Bin Tiede
wrote: [quote] Rindfleischetikettierungsüberw
achungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz Donaudampfschi
Sonja Köppen Dec 13, 2008
German Unsicherheit mit der deutschen Sprache :) Das war wohl keine starke Beleidigung. Wenn klar
ist, dass es negativ gemeint war, ging es wohl am
ehesten in Richtung "leichtsinnig", "anmaßend"
o.ä. Was das perfekte Deutsch betrifft:
Sonja Köppen Nov 29, 2008
German Frage an Kollegen in der Künstlersozialkasse Hallo zusammen, dies ist eine Frage an
Kollegen, die über die Künstlersozialkasse
versichert sind: Nachdem ich lange dachte, es
sei grundsätzlich bestimmt von Vorteil, sich von
Sonja Köppen Nov 20, 2008
Safe computing Good news for a change: Spam falls drastically Almost a pity! ;) > ...the penis enlargement people... They kept
pestering me as well. I found it funny to observe
the hundreds of different formulations for this
idea, even thought about making a littl
Sonja Köppen Nov 14, 2008 job systems The job poster asks for CV - but he gives no e-mail Send file beta I've used the send file beta function in this
situation (the customer had a profile in that
case). Kind regards, Sonja
Sonja Köppen Nov 5, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: You are a... Hell Lesley, you're right. So finally let's stop denying that we are all
male, Sirs! ;)
Sonja Köppen Oct 25, 2008
German Übersetzen, wenn keine Übersetzer-Ausbildung? @25ct-Aufhängung > Was habt Ihr Euch so auf den 25 Cent
aufgehangen? Die prangten da nunmal recht
prominent. Ich stimme völlig zu, was den
kalkulatorischen Unterbau betrifft. Wenn man
allerdings ni
Sonja Köppen Oct 4, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your business being negatively affected by the current financial crisis? No. I'm currently busier than my kids and health would
wish. I see the exchange rate for USD smart under
consumption (no time for monthly invoices ;) ),
but that's all there is to it so far.
Sonja Köppen Oct 3, 2008
German Übersetzen, wenn keine Übersetzer-Ausbildung? ...Zum nächsten schönen Wochenende... [quote]Aniello Scognamiglio wrote: Sonja, ich
denke nicht, dass es allen Unternehmen
(Übersetzungsbüros, Agenturen, Direktkunden) nur
oder primär um den Preis geht. [/quote] Nein,
Sonja Köppen Oct 3, 2008 suggestions Certified PRO network Ah! I've been asked to be confidential about this just
a few days ago, so that's news to me. Thank you
for updating me! Edit: Obviously, I've missed
the announcement despite its prominent
Sonja Köppen Oct 2, 2008
German Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht und Berufshaftpflicht Wenn wir uns nun alle versichern, wäre es interessant zu beobachten, ob dann die
Zahl der Klagen steigt. ;)
Sonja Köppen Oct 2, 2008
Business issues Translation test found published on their website. The agency: "Always acted according to the law". Completely OT: Don't apologise for long posts. Anyone here is
free to read or close the eyes, and I don't
consider myself to be an exception in enjoying
your style. ;)
Sonja Köppen Oct 2, 2008 suggestions Certified PRO network ? I thought this was a topic not to be discussed in
public. Am I wrong?
Sonja Köppen Oct 2, 2008 Translator Coop Car Accident - Marina Hennies *carefullyhug Haven't been in touch either, but anyway. I'll
keep on sending you warm thoughts, Marina.
Sonja Köppen Oct 1, 2008
German Abkürzungen mit Punkt und Leerzeichen Unsitten Für mein Empfinden besteht zwischen
Unsauberkeiten wie einem fehlenden (oder nicht
geschützten oder nicht halbierten) Leerzeichen
zwischen "d.h." und formalen Kapitalverbrechen wie
Sonja Köppen Sep 28, 2008
German Abkürzungen mit Punkt und Leerzeichen Vermutlich nicht genau genug. Jedenfalls lasse ich die Leerzeichen gerne weg.
Der Grund ist, dass ich Formeln (im Grunde sind es
ja welche) nicht zuviel Raum im Text geben möchte
(ich nehme an, die Ausnahmen bei usw.
Sonja Köppen Sep 27, 2008
German Übersetzen, wenn keine Übersetzer-Ausbildung? Ergänzung [quote]Aniello Scognamiglio
wrote: Haifischbecken... Die Zahl der Mitbewerber
ist immens! Die besten Argumente sind immer noch
Qualifikation, Spezialisierung und Erfahrung,
Sonja Köppen Sep 25, 2008

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