| Θέμα | Αποστολέας Απαντήσεις (Προβολές) Τελευταίο μήνυμα |
| To distribute a grade | 1 (1,472) |
| Pro-Non-pro: peers vote for a change but Asker absolutely refuses to accept their opinion | 9 (3,311) |
| Regional Variations in KudoZ Suggestions (how to approach them) | 11 (3,683) |
| Why I am receiving KudoZ notifications so late? | 7 (2,648) |
| A different/differing point of view | 5 (3,051) |
| (Title removed) | 0 (1,380) |
| KudoZ answers - disagree ( 1... 2) | 15 (7,604) |
| I can't see my question | 8 (2,715) |
| Is this abuse of the "close without grading" option? | 12 (3,627) |
| Off-topic: I did not find a "reply" link on the previous topic ( 1... 2) | 15 (4,645) |
| Why has "All Time" disappeared? | 4 (2,214) |
| Off-topic: When will Kudoz be banned from ProZ? | 1 (1,365) |
| Too many requests for context ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 45 (8,325) |
| KudoZ posting, same question same asker ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,312) |
| Slowing down the KudoZ process ( 1, 2... 3) | 33 (11,533) |
| Swedish not in language pair lists | 8 (2,790) |
| I found the answer to a question I asked. What to do? | 4 (2,266) |
| `Squash' is gone... | 14 (3,972) |
| Kudoz Toolbar for Firefox 1.5 | 5 (2,218) |
| Disagree or simply...find a better answer? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,440) |
| Can't change KudoZ languages | 7 (2,635) |
| Kudoz - providing origin of the text and target audience | 9 (3,182) |
| I want to squash a question.... | 12 (3,535) |
| Record number of disagrees in one day ( 1, 2... 3) | 30 (10,164) |
| Can't see my Kudoz question | 1 (1,408) |
| Mismatched KudoZ notification | 4 (2,197) |
| Gone blind to kudos? (staff: 'fixed - thanks!') | 12 (3,874) |
| Thanks from a newbie ( 1... 2) | 17 (6,076) |
| Customized KudoZ page (without cookies) | 0 (1,226) |
| Thanking those who "agree" ( 1... 2) | 25 (9,646) |
| I asked a not-for-points question | 7 (2,750) |
| "You were not sent email notification of this question". | 13 (3,878) |
| More context please vs. NDAs ( 1... 2) | 16 (5,236) |
| zzz pair language | 2 (1,675) |
| Register language pairs in both directions | 8 (2,854) |
| Editing process done through Kudoz questions | 3 (1,807) |
| Unable to grade answers | 14 (3,728) |
| Optional "text type", "purpose" and "target audience" fields? | 13 (3,619) |
| what about Unicode... | 3 (1,832) |
| Q/A in the new beta design | 3 (1,660) |
| New Proz | 2 (1,945) |
| Matching specialized fields to broader fields | 5 (2,138) |
| 10 and no more than 10 (or so.....) | 13 (3,734) |
| Web term search display error | 1 (1,316) |
| Please expand the text box for typing one's answer to a Kudoz question | 8 (2,641) |
| Q re Kudoz (why a confidence rating of 5 is rated higher than agrees) | 6 (2,410) |
| Selection of KudoZ answers based on number of "agrees" ( 1... 2) | 20 (5,842) |
| Closing a Question Without Grading | 7 (2,559) |
| Where has my question gone? And what about the encoding? | 6 (2,191) |
| No notifications received | 1 (1,430) |