Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators


Technical, scientific and legal translations

Our team covers a wide range of backgrounds, views and areas of expertise; each and every one of us is deeply committed to meeting our goal: Providing the best translation service.

Nuestro grupo es diverso, en historias, enfoques y especialidades; cada uno de nosotros está profundamente comprometido con nuestra meta en común: ofrecer el mejor servicio de traducción.

Areas of expertise are: Engineering, IT, Telecommunications, Automotive, Mechanics, Architecture, Technical Manuals and Brochures, Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Dentistry, Nutrition, Health Care, Science, Genetics, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, Environment & Ecology, Education, Pedagogy, Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, Law, Religion, Government, Politics, International Org, Journalism, Poetry & Literature, Film, Drama, Media, Advertising, Marketing and Business, Tourism & Travel, Culinary, Food & Dairy, Oenology, Viticulture, Cosmetics, Clothing, Fashion, Fitness and Recreation.

Please see our individual profiles for more details. Thank you.

Team language pairs 11
  • Γερμανικά σε Ισπανικά
  • Γαλλικά σε Ισπανικά
  • Ιταλικά σε Ισπανικά
  • Πορτογαλικά σε Ισπανικά
  • Ισπανικά σε Αγγλικά
  • Αγγλικά σε Ισπανικά
Team leader
Laura Bissio CT
Laura Bissio CT
ATA Certified and technical background
Freelance translator since 2007, also an architect and IT programmer. ATA Certified translator from English into Spanish, my second language pair is German>Spanish
Team members 6
Zuli Fernandez
Zuli Fernandez
Traductora y docente
gioconda quartarolo
gioconda quartarolo
Sworn Translator and Teacher
Mónica Algazi
Mónica Algazi
ATA-Certified Professional Translator
Marcela Dutra
Marcela Dutra
Chartered IoL DipTrans
Leda Roche
Leda Roche
Medicine, Biotech, Pharma, MD PhD

All of
  • All of
  • Αναζήτηση όρου
  • Εργασίες
  • Φόρουμ
  • Multiple search