Web localisation: techniques and tips

Formats: Videos
Topics: Website translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 70 minutes

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Summary:What is web localisation, what are the figures and steps involved in the creation and adaptation of a website, translating a website, cultural, marketing and non-linguistic elements involved in the translation, checking and finalising the project.
In one hour, we will explore the world of website localisation and see how to translate the contents of a website: from understanding how a website works and what are its communication and cultural features to evaluating both linguistic and non-linguistic content, we will learn how to provide excellent translations and help our clients.
Target audience
• Freelancer starting in the industry
• Experienced freelancers who want to learn more about website localisation
Learning objectives
In this webinar you will learn:
• what is website localisation
• how are website created
• what are the main features of the website localisation process
• what are the linguistic, non-linguistic , external and internal features of a website that the translator must take into account when translating a website
• how to translate a website more efficiently
• basic understanding or the website sector
• general interest for this field
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The content of the course includes:
• Introduction to website localisation
- creating a website
- the cultural and marketing elements involved in the translation of a website
- localisation levels and different types of localisation examples and projects
• Definition and evaluation of the website localisation projects:
- identification of the market
- the brief
- the translator's tools
- non-linguistic elements
- resources for the translator
• Website localisation and adaptation:
- language and linguistic aspects of website communication
- visual content and marketing elements
- cultural issues and how to solve them
• More on website localisation for the translator:
- Types of websites and their language
- Online and offline resources and tips to improve the translator's skills in this field
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 20.00 USD

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Created by
Sara Colombo    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Sara is a qualified En-Fr-Sp>Italian translator with 6 years of experience within the marketing, business and CE/medical devices fields backed by relevant working experience in the marketing industry.

She is also the author of the book ‘Balance Your Words. Stepping in the translation Industry’ and a blogger at www.saracolombotranslations.com
A marketer by heart, Sara loves to use social media to connect with peers but also to find new markets and niches. To get in touch with her connect through Twitter (@sc_translations), LinkedIn (Sara Colombo), Facebook (Sara Colombo Translations) or visit her blog!