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Γλώσσες εργασίας:
Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά
Ελληνικά (μονογλωσσικό)

Haralabos Papatheodorou
Ιατρικές μεταφράσεις | MD, MSc, PhD

Athens, Attiki, Ελλάδα
Τοπική ώρα: 23:27 EET (GMT+2)

Μητρική γλώσσα: Ελληνικά 
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
11 positive reviews

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What Haralabos Papatheodorou is working on
Sep 29, 2024 (posted via ProZ.com):  Just completed editing medical texts for an online publisher. ...more, + 29 other entries »
Τύπος λογαριασμού Μεταφραστής ή/και διερμηνέας ελεύθερης απασχόλησης, Identity Verified Επαληθευμένος χρήστης ιστοτόπου
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Συνδρομές This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Υπηρεσίες Translation, MT post-editing, Terminology management, Editing/proofreading
Ειδικεύεται σε:
ΓενετικήMedical: Oncology
Ιατρική: ΌργαναΙατρική: Καρδιολογία
Ιατρική: ΦαρμακευτικάΙατρική (Γενικά)
Ιατρική: Υγειονομική περίθαλψηΒιολογία (-τεχνική, -χημική, μικρο-)

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 3,652
Δραστηριότητα KudoZ (PRO) βαθμοί επιπέδου PRO: 1422, Ερωτήσεις που απάντησε: 521, Ερωτήσεις που έθεσε: 125
Καταχωρίσεις στο Blue Board από αυτό τον χρήστη.  5 καταχωρήσεις

Payment methods accepted Τραπεζική μεταφορά χρημάτων, Wire transfer via SEPA account
Γλωσσάρια English to Greek, English-Greek (medical, pharmaceutical, medical devices, clinical trials, EMA, etc.), Greek to English, Greek to Greek
Μεταφραστικές σπουδές Other - meta|φραση School of Translator Training (ATA approved School)
Εμπειρία Έτη εμπειρίας σε μεταφράσεις: 20. Έγινε μέλος του ProZ.com: Aug 2008.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Πιστοποιήσεις Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά (meta|φραση | Metafrasi School of Translation Studies | Translator Training Center, verified)
Μέλος σε PAT (PEM in Greek)
Λογισμικό Across, Lokalise, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBYY, Mendeley, RefWorks, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordbee, XTM

Ιστοτόπος https://www.facebook.com/medicaltranslator
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Επαγγελματικές πρακτικές Haralabos Papatheodorou προσυπογράφει ProZ.com's Επαγγελματικές Κατευθυντήριες Οδηγίες.

Haralabos Papatheodorou

MD, MSc, PhD Certified Radiologist

English to Greek Medical Translator



 [email protected]LinkedIn ProfileFacebook Page


Working languages

English (Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) | University of Cambridge)

Greek  (Νative speaker)





MT post-editing  

Editing & Proofreading

Translation alignment

Glossary compilation

Terminology & TM Management




(for details,  click on title)

Certificate in Translation | Metafrasi (ATA approved School), Greece 

18-month course. Specialisation areas: Science & Technology, Humanities & Social Sciences. 


Certified Radiologist | Radiology Residency (2007-2013), Metaxa Cancer Hospital - Athens, Greece.


PhD, Breast Cancer Pathology | University of Patras, Greece                   


MSc, Basic Medical Sciences | University of Patras, Greece


MD | University of Patras, Greece



Working experience 

(for details,  click here)

Medical Translator2004-Present

Translation of scientific and technical documents. Most of my translation work has been in the field of Life Sciences (medical device IFUs [IVD, CT, MRI, etc.], medical books, clinical trial documents, conference presentations, research papers, European Medicines Agency documents [SPCs, PILs, etc.], scientific articles, educational material for pharmaceutical companies, etc.).


Radiology Consultant | 2014-2015

(Private Clinic - Athens, Greece)


Primary care physician2003-2004

(Primary Care Unit - Andritsena, Greece)



CAT tools -Computer skills


MemoQ (10.2)

SDL Trados (2019)







MS Office


Panhellenic association of translators




(for full list, click here)

Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students | Coursera


Crash Course in Machine Translation Systems and Post-Editing Machine TranslationDimetra Academy


Introduction to Clinical TrialsAssociation of Clinical Research Professionals   





Published translations 

(member of translation team) 

Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems (ISBN: 978-618-5135-02-7)

Cecil Medicine (ISBN: 978-070-204-5851)

The Physician's Guide to Depression & Bipolar Disorders (ISBN: 978-960-8371-69-9)

Manual of Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ISBN: 978-960-89988-8-9)

Acute Coronary Syndromes (ISBN: 978-960-8371-99-6)

Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. A Guide for the Practicing Clinician (ISBN: 978-960-483-009-1)

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (ISBN: 978-960-8371-41-5)

Principles of Treatment in Parkinson's Disease (ISBN: 978-960-8371-62-0)




(for details,  click on title)

Expression patterns of SDF1/CXCR4 in human invasive breast carcinoma and adjacent normal stroma: Correlation with tumor clinicopathological parameters and patient survival

Radioisotopic and anatomical imaging approach of a primary non-functioning liver paraganglioma

A very unusual case of poland syndrome with amastia - athelia and dextrocardia

Recurrent chylothorax in a patient with mediastinal and abdominal paragangliomas

HIF 1a expression in invasive breast cancer

MMP9 expression in relation with SDF1 and CXCR4 in invasive breast cancer

SDF1 and CXCR4 expression in invasive breast cancer

HIF-1α and MMP-9 expression in invasive breast cancer



Volunteer work

(for details,  click on title)

Dictionary of OphthalmologySupported by the European Society of Ophthalmology

Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC) Editor






Meet Haralabos
Papatheodorou: Your Go-To English to Greek Medical Translator Searching for a
top-tier English to Greek medical translator? Introducing Haralabos
Papatheodorou, a certified radiologist with an impressive academic background
that includes an MD, MSc, and PhD1. A Wealth of Experience and
Expertise Haralabos has been offering English to Greek medical translation
services since 20041. His journey in the medical field has seen him
take on various roles, including a primary care physician, radiology resident,
and radiology consultant1. This practical experience in the medical
field ensures his translations are not only accurate but also contextually
correct. Academic Prowess Haralabos is more than just a translator; he’s a
scholar. He holds a PhD in Breast Cancer Pathology, an MSc in Basic Medical
Sciences - Molecular Anatomy, and a medical degree1. He also earned
a Certificate in Translation from the Metafrasi School of Translation Studies,
an ATA Approved Translation School1. Proven Success Haralabos has a
successful track record in medical translation. He has contributed to the
translation of several medical publications, including “Human Physiology: From
Cells to Systems,” “Cecil Medicine,” “The Physician’s Guide to Depression &
Bipolar Disorders,” and more1. Committed to Continuous Learning
Haralabos is a firm believer in continuous learning. He has completed several
professional development courses, including “Crash Course in Machine
Translation Systems,” “Crash Course in Post-Editing Machine Translation,”
“Proofreading and copywriting for translators: tips, tools and techniques,” and
more1. Connect with Haralabos Today Ready to work with a premier
English to Greek medical translator? Connect with Haralabos Papatheodorou
today. His unique blend of medical expertise and translation skills make him
the ideal choice for your high-stakes medical translation needs

Αυτός ο χρήστης κέρδισε βαθμούς KudoZ βοηθώντας άλλους μεταφραστές με όρους επιπέδου PRO. Επιλέξτε τις συνολικές βαθμολογίες για να δείτε τις μεταφράσεις όρων που δόθηκαν.

Συνολικοί κερδισμένοι βθμοί: 1478
Βαθμοί επιπέδου PRO: 1422

Κύριες γλώσσες (PRO)
Ελληνικά σε Αγγλικά743
Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά671
Κύρια γενικά πεδία (PRO)
Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες52
Βαθμοί σε 4 ακόμα πεδία >
Κύρια ειδικά πεδία (PRO)
Ιατρική (Γενικά)696
Ιατρική: Υγειονομική περίθαλψη68
Ιατρική: Όργανα60
Ιατρική: Φαρμακευτικά56
Ιατρική: Καρδιολογία56
Βιολογία (-τεχνική, -χημική, μικρο-)44
Μηχανικά / Μηχανική Μηχανολογία36
Βαθμοί σε 51 ακόμα πεδία >

Δείτε όλους τους κερδισμένους βαθμούς >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects16
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά15
Specialty fields
Ιατρική (Γενικά)3
Ιατρική: Φαρμακευτικά2
Medical: Oncology1
Other fields
Λέξεις - κλειδιά: ιατρικών βιβλίων, ιατρικών άρθρων, ακτινολογία, παθολογία, παρουσιάσεις, διαφάνειες, εργασίες, διπλωματική, φυσιολογία, ανατομία. See more. ιατρικών βιβλίων, ιατρικών άρθρων, ακτινολογία, παθολογία, παρουσιάσεις, διαφάνειες, εργασίες, διπλωματική,φυσιολογία, ανατομία, ιστολογία, μόρια, άμεση, γρήγορη, καρκίνος, . See less.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση προφίλ

More translators and interpreters: Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά   More language pairs