SDL und gemeinsam durchgeführte virtuelle Jun 4, 2014 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (537) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | tatsunoko  Ιαπωνία Native in Ιαπωνικά (Variants: Kansai, Standard-Japan) Freelancer | STEP EIKEN - Grade1, Japan Translation Federation Incorporated, OTHER-Fellow Academy, 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: I have been translating German to English technical documentation for over 10 years. Before that I was a technical writer creating German and English content. I live in Germany, but grew up in the US with German parents. Message: Hello from Lower Bavaria! |
|  Checked in | Oleg Nenashev  First with the head then with the tongue Ρωσία Native in Ρωσικά Freelancer | Bio: Diplomübersetzer aus dem Deutschen ins Russische, Universität für Linguistik Nizhny Novgorod, 14 Jahre Erfahrung |
|  Checked in | | |
|  Checked in | Jutta Mansutti  Business, Legal, HR, Christian Religion Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | AnnaHeber  from translation to communication Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Native in Γερμανικά Freelancer | Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, MA-University of Freiburg/Germany, BDÜ, 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Siegfried Kapl  Engineer MSc. Diplom-Ingenieur EN/FR->DE Γαλλία Native in Γερμανικά Freelancer | OTHER-Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur, Bordeaux, 13 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | GD-FASK Mainz in Germersheim, BDÜ- Bund der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, 39 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Diplom-Informatikerin (FH), University of Applied Sciences, Landshut, Germany; three years experience with CAT-Tools |
|  Checked in | Eliana Tonon  Expertise in automotive industry! Ιταλία Native in Ιταλικά Freelancer | Regione Lazio, Diploma traduttore/interprete, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Fremdsprachliche Philologien, Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma, GD-Università La Sapienza Roma, 30 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Jelena Petrovic  Tech/IT Translator with TRADOS Native in Σερβικά  , Σερβοκροατικά  Freelancer | University of Nis, Serbia, MA-The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | American Translators Association, German Chamber of Commerce, MA-Heidelberg University, Germany, ATA, BD�, BDÜ, 39 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Maria S. Loose, LL.M.  Lawyer & Certified Translator Βέλγιο Native in Αγγλικά (Variant: US)  , Γερμανικά (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | MA Translation Studies, University of Heidelberg, , MA-LL.M., School of Law, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium; Master's degree Translation Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Bachelor of Arts, English and American Literature, California State University Northridge, CA, USA , 45 years of experience |
|  Checked in | R. Paula Sánchez  Literary, journalistic, academic Native in Ισπανικά (Variants: Nicaraguan, Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | BA-Universidad de Málaga, 10 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Matt Goldstein  Solartechnik, Photovoltaik, Pädagogik Native in Αγγλικά  Freelancer | 12 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sarah J Wrig (X)  Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Native in Αγγλικά  Freelancer | Bio: Fairly newly qualified in PG Dip Translation Studies. Looking to find out more about freelance translation, how to communicate well with clients and create a good client base Message: Hi,
I'm very new to the site and the translation scene. I am looking for clients who needs documents translating from German to English and friends and contacts within the freelancing scene |
|  Checked in | Drew MacFadyen Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής Native in Αγγλικά  Freelancer | American Translators Association, Consorzio interuniversitario Italian Culture on the Net, 15 years of experience |
|  | Andreas Rodemann (X)  Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | GD-Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Diplom, DVÜD, 31 years of experience |
|  | Swetlana Badalucco  IT, financial & medical translations Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | GD-Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 16 years of experience |
| |  | k_g_  Medical Technical Nutrition Γερμανία Native in Ολλανδικά  , Φλαμανδικά  Freelancer | Bio: EN/DE/FR into NL-BE, BA+MA in Translation, 3 years' in house experience |
|  | Tamara van Bruggen (X)  Certified translator English - Dutch v.v Ολλανδία Native in Ολλανδικά  Freelancer | Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators, BA-ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken & Vertalen, Utrecht, NGTV, 12 years of experience |
|  | | MA-Jawaharlal Nehru University, 22 years of experience |
|  | Karin Sander  Konnectio Language Services Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά (Variant: Germany) Freelancer | BA-University of Bielefeld, 20 years of experience |
|  | Zuzana Hessler  Medical Translator & Critical Care Nurse Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | AKAD University, OTHER-AKAD - University of Applied Science in Stuttgart - advanced course in professional translation, BDÜ, 19 years of experience |
|  | Erzsebet Schock  Dipl.-Übersetzerin (BDÜ) Γερμανία Native in Ρουμανικά  , Γερμανικά  Freelancer | German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, OTHER-Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie - Universität Leipzig, BDÜ, 25 years of experience |
|  | Stephanie Bohnerth  >25 yrs medical + certified translations Γερμανία Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, BA-Univ. d. Saarlandes, Verein der Gründer und Selbständigen Deutschland e.V., BDÜ, VdÜ, 33 years of experience |
|  | ariannada  Ιταλία Native in Γερμανικά  , Ιταλικά  Freelancer | 15 years of experience |
|  | helza  TranslatingEnglish/French/Italian>Ger Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: Copy writer, proof reading, translator (from English, French, Italian into German and/or localization for Switzerland. Independent freelancer, specialized in Marketing, PR, journalism. Message: Hello, feel free to contact me for any cooperation on freelance basis. |
|  | egola  24/7 Native in Γερμανικά  Freelancer | 10 years of experience |
|  | olusola  Native in Αγγλικά  Freelancer | |
|  | Larisa Solovjov  Fast and accurate translations Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής Native in Ρωσικά  Freelancer | BA in Foreign Languages, Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, BA-Omsk State University, 15 years of experience |
|  | | 19 years of experience |
|  | LaraPinot  Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής Native in Γερμανικά (Variant: Germany)  , Αγγλικά (Variant: US)  Freelancer | |
|  | Darkox1 (X)  Native in Κροατικά  Freelancer | Bio: Born in Yugoslavia/Croatia 1960, grow up in Germany from 1971 to 1996, most of my time I spent in sales and later in education as Coach in Sales, Communication, Negotiation and other similar topics until today. I speak German, Croatian and English. Message: Hi everyone! I hope we will have nice time together and we learn a lot within this session. |
|  | TrulyJuly  I do everything content Νότιος Αφρική Native in Γερμανικά (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | Bio: I’m a media expert with in-depth know-how of advertising, marketing and promotion, plus solid understanding of online and mobile technology. I combine media production skills with technical expertise and excellent writing skills in English and German.
In short: I ma...nage content and make it accessible and desirable to the target group across the media. I utilise these skills to ensure ROI and SROI, through online or mobile sales or long term improvement of brand awareness.
Having worked for over 15 years for blue chip companies, I’m available as your creative consultant for media, marketing, content and fundraising strategies.More Less Message: |
| |  | | MA-Universaty Karlsruhe, 20 years of experience |
|  | María Diehn  Spanish Translation and Reviewing Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής Native in Ισπανικά (Variants: Latin American, Peruvian, Chilean, Cuban, Argentine, Puerto Rican, US, Mexican, Standard-Spain, Colombian)  Freelancer | American Translators Association, Alianza Francesa, Bogota, MA-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ATA, International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA), Arizona Court Interpreters Association (ACIA), NAJIT, 33 years of experience |
|  | Jason Zhao  Professional,Accurate and Considerate Κίνα Native in Κινεζικά (Variant: Simplified) Freelancer and outsourcer | MA-BEIJING INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY, TAC, 28 years of experience |
|  | Mauni (X)  Βραζιλία Native in Πορτογαλικά  Freelancer | Bio: I'm a German/Brazilian Portuguese & English/Brasilian Portuguese translator since 2012, based in the extreme south of Brazil. While I'm quite passionate about literature, when it comes to work I'd much rather translate papers or books related to IT, Medicine/Health and ...Philosophy.More Less Message: Gruesse aus Brasilien! |
|  | | Siberian State Technological University, MA-Siberian State Technological University, UTR, 18 years of experience |
|  | Rita Nesterova  IAPTI-certified EN-RU & DE-RU translator Ρωσία Native in Ρωσικά Freelancer | Московский Энергетический , GD-Московский Энергетический Институт (Технический Университет), IAPTI, 15 years of experience |
|  | | GD-Moscow Linguistic University, 29 years of experience |
|  | | MA-Chulalongkorn University, 16 years of experience |
|  | Olga Gneusheva  10 years in translation business Native in Ρωσικά Freelancer | Russian-Tajic (Slavic) University, MA-Russian-Tajic (Slavic) University, 25 years of experience |
|  | Vedat ViyanalI  BEEIDIGTER ÜBERSETZER TÜRKISCHDEUTSCH Τουρκία Native in Γερμανικά (Variants: Austrian, Germany)  , Τουρκικά (Variant: Standard-İstanbul )  Freelancer | Universität Wien (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen), 39 years of experience |
|  | Vaman Kale  Reliable and quick Ινδία Native in Μαράθι  , Αγγλικά  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: Automotive, IT and engineering in general. Familiar with SDL Trados 2007/11/14. (and other CAT tools) Message: Love this new Trados 2014, so full of options for verification and QA. Very good Multiterm, too. |
|  | catalina savu  Effective Romanian style Ρουμανία Native in Ρουμανικά Freelancer | Certificate of Translator, Romanian Ministry of Justice, BA-Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania, 45 years of experience |
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