| Θέμα | Αποστολέας Απαντήσεις (Προβολές) Τελευταίο μήνυμα |
| Help- This is a disaster -I lost my project in Trados ( 1, 2... 3) | 32 (13,860) |
| QA - numbers false positives | 2 (1,195) |
| Batch Find/Replace using Regex | 2 (1,521) |
| Terminology verifier not working | 10 (4,413) |
| Trados Studio 2022 stillnot opening new job by double-clicking on project file in Outlook | 4 (1,405) |
| PowerPoint notes in SDL Studio 2019? ( 1... 2) | 15 (17,079) |
| What are your favorite apps for Trados 2022? | 12 (3,443) |
| Creating a TM from sdlxliff files | 7 (7,616) |
| Why are my target segments suddenly purple and underlined? | 0 (840) |
| New build: Support for scanned PDF documents using OCR is limited | 11 (2,499) |
| Legacy files TMs | 5 (2,581) |
| Trados Freelance to Trados Freelance plus | 2 (1,100) |
| Find/Replace problem again in Trados 2019 ( 1... 2) | 28 (13,649) |
| Help with Trados studio 22 - "the image <picturename> was moved from a paragraph to another" | 8 (1,614) |
| Adding a .docx.sdlxliff file to an existing Trados package | 4 (1,375) |
| Trados Studio making laptop with Ryzen CPU crash? | 2 (1,221) |
| Studio 22 - dates being reshuffled by Trados | 2 (914) |
| Garbled text from PDF in Studio 2022 | 4 (1,414) |
| Studio 2019: Automatic save doesn't work | 4 (2,732) |
| How to modify the spell dictionary in Studio | 2 (2,596) |
| Can we discuss your experience of SDL Trados Studio 22? | 7 (2,737) |
| "No matches found or no lookup performed" Trados 2022 | 10 (2,579) |
| Terminology Verification (check for non-usage) Not Supported for Some Languages | 1 (812) |
| Error Cannot open sdlxiff at the end of a huge project.... | 1 (1,008) |
| Installing Studio Views on 2022 | 0 (803) |
| SDLXLIFF: Copy all sources to targets ... without using Trados | 9 (2,050) |
| Merge segments and keep existing translations | 2 (1,001) |
| Filter segments that DO contain a certain word in source, BUT DO NOT contain a certain word in targe | 2 (936) |
| Error opening Word file "saved as target" from Trados 2021 | 6 (1,399) |
| Studio not recognizing terms - it's driving me nuts! ( 1, 2... 3) | 36 (22,158) |
| Segmentation in Trados Studio 2021 | 4 (1,146) |
| Reinstate RWS account access—who to contact? | 3 (1,771) |
| Smaller Trados Icon on my new laptop | 5 (1,288) |
| Import SmartCAT XLIFF to Studio, keeping SmartCAT segmentation (w/occasional multi-sentence) | 4 (1,253) |
| How to "Ignore all" in Trados spellcheck ( 1... 2) | 17 (3,296) |
| Studio 2021: two questions-- file type creation and Quickinsert-related | 3 (1,039) |
| Trados Studio 2021: How to change .xliff file save path (and paths generally)? | 2 (1,294) |
| Trados Studio 2022 not opening new job by double-clicking on project file attachment in Outlook | 1 (962) |
| Passolo 2018 and connecting to Studio 2022 not working | 7 (1,920) |
| Moved a Studio project to a different folder and now I can't open it | 10 (3,282) |
| Auto suggest does not work | 1 (768) |
| "Save target as" problem | 3 (971) |
| Where is CTRL comma function in Trados 2021? | 4 (1,822) |
| Studio 2019 - "The process cannot access the file 'xxx.ldb', because it is being used by another pr" | 1 (924) |
| Trados Studio 2022 crashes at startup | 2 (1,323) |
| Off-topic: Help with Trados 19 | 6 (1,436) |
| Trados shows text I can't see in Word file | 5 (2,568) |
| Trados Studio 2022: adjusting settings | 2 (1,170) |
| Is it possible to enlarge the cells (segments) in Studio? | 4 (1,226) |
| From Studio to Indesign | 13 (2,344) |